In December 2010 my boyfriend realised that he had a porn addiction and that it was affecting our relationship. He immediately started his recovery. We are doing well, day by day, and this blog is part of my recovery.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

fellow recovery bloggers

I am reading Margaux Meade's blog Love In The Time Of Addiction . Such great writing! Seeing her story is making me spin out because it feels so therapeutic to read that someone else has gone through exactly what I went through.
There have been so many times in this recovery where I haven't really been sure if I'm not overreacting. I mean, I know it feels like infidelity but am I just being melodramatic? I know my boyfriend did send a Facebook message to girl he met in a bar saying "I've been looking at your profile pictures and wish I'd spent more time the other night getting to know you rather than getting so drunk"... and that he sent that message in the few hours we didn't spend together that day. Less than 12 hours since we last had sex, less than 12 hours until we would have sex again... at a time when he says he was falling in love with me. But that was the only time he's done that, so am I overreacting? Was it not really cheating? Am I wrong to feel this betrayed? That a time I look back on as being this incredible time of falling in love and not being able to stop thinking about each other was actually punctuated by him having one last attempt at chatting up another girl just because she's got big boobs and wearing a singlet top in her Facebook profile picture?

He hasn't fully said to me that he recognises the betrayal for what I do. He tells me that he feels a huge amount of guilt and shame about his porn addiction, but always says that his rule is that he doesn't cheat, he doesn't do that... he still says he has no memory of ever writing that Facebook message (a moment lost in the midst of addiction) as if that should make me feel better... that he wasn't planning on cheating. It still isn't ok. And since I'm writing about this with such fervour I obviously still feel a lot of pain and anger about it because we haven't had closure about that yet. When I found out, found the message and called him barely able to speak for tears and anger at what he had done, he says it was the worst moment of his life; realising that he had done that and that something he had completely forgotten about could jeopardise his entire relationship with the woman he wants to be with for life. I was away working at the time and we were only able to talk about it over the phone for the next 4 days, whilst I sat in a hotel in Barcelona hardly eating or sleeping, just trying to make sense of this man that I had thought I knew so well.

These posts by Margaux sum up exactly how I felt as well. I wish my boyfriend could read them. It's weird that as time goes on, because we are healing now... it's hard to bring up the old hurts without feeling like we are moving backwards again. I guess it's something I need to think about, because it is still hurting me that I haven't seen him really take responsibility for what it meant... he was just so relieved that I didn't break up with him and decided to stand by him because he is the man I love. It really made me wonder what messages he has deleted though. He says there aren't any... which just goes to show how long a way my trust has to go that I think it would be naieve to believe that.


  1. Honey, honey-- please, please, be very careful. First of all, I think that heavy porn use IS cheating. Absolutely! I'm not talking about the occasional rub out when you're not around or when the mood strikes. But, what he was/is doing is not right. Its not like you've been together for 20 years, either! You're not even married yet!!!! hahaha!!! wait... just wait, (if you were to [shudder] marry him) until you have kids, and job/career problems, and can't pay the mortgage and have to refinance and then your aging parents are causing angst and then your kids with special needs require endless amounts of attention. And on top of it, you have a SA/baby (masquerading as a husband) to deal with?

    Right now, it IS just you and him and it should be heaven on earth and all I hear from your posts is intense heartache with the portend of much more, down the road. I think you realize this too, but can't quite wrap your mind around the enormity of it all.

    The other thing, is that unless you've been with him 24/7, you have no way of knowing if he hasn't actually physically cheated on you. My husband insisted at first, that it was all "just" cyber and finally confessed to actually meeting one of them several years ago, but "it was just once." (maybe) :((

    Honey, I know you love this dude (unfortunately) and I'm sure that he has some outstanding qualities...(the ones he lets you see...) but I am very concerned for you because of these bright red flag statements, in particular:

    "He hasn't fully said to me that he recognises the betrayal for what I do."

    "I haven't seen him really take responsibility for what it meant..."

    Translation: He's not going to change this-- he's only going to find a way to do it better, so that you don't find out. ugh. I am telling you this as a woman who's seen this affliction from inside out. This is reality and I have talked to tons of guys who live this kind of lifestyle and this is what they do. It is what my predator did/does. He is not going to change.

    No, he doesn't want to lose you, because he wants his cake and eat it too... I dunno... some women are cool with that and look the other way, but I don't think that's you.

    Does he love you? Sure... in his limited way. He doesn't know what real love is, or he's just so damaged that he's numb to all and is just going through the motions of something he saw in a movie... "falling in love"... ehhh??? Sorry, not buyin' what he's sellin...

    I'm not saying break up with him because that is not my decision to make, but... you can certainly date other guys. (I didn't say sleep with them, but I would definitely keep my options open.) Don't make yourself so available to him.

    If he doesn't pony up and do the hard work and admit how wrong his activities are...(OF HIS OWN ACCORD) well, I would do what Margaux did and pack her bags... and yes, she was married to her SA dude.

    Much easier to get out now... not easy, but easier.



  2. I <3 Margaux! She's been a wonderful friend and partner in recovery to me.

    One of the things that's been important for me to remember in recovery is that it doesn't matter whether my husband or anyone else in the world considers something to be hurtful. If it hurts me, it's hurtful to me, and that's enough for me to know.

    Thanks for the comments on my blog. It's nice to virtually meet you. :)

  3. My partner's acting out has "mostly" been porn, and whatever else he's done that I've found out about many would consider cheating, and yet he loves to joke that for as angry and jealous as I get, he might as well be doing the "real" thing.

    And he really does think it's funny. Astonishing, I know.

    I've spent countless hours and wasted breath explaining to him that it is the betrayal of trust that is the most damaging. In fact, I've read many times that even where there is a full on affair, it is not the sex act that is most bothersome to the partner, it is the betrayal.

    So it doesn't matter if it's "just" porn, or if it's nightly trips to the "red" disctrict -- betrayal of our trust is toxic to the relationship bond. When you have to deny the extent of the damage because your partner refuses to acknowledge or participate in the repair needed, it causes confusion and resentment.

    This is a tough, tough journey and I would never wish it on anyone. Yet resilience is about finding a way to turn life's hard times into lessons and wisdom.

  4. Last night I made my soon to be wife uncomfortable. I'm a very romantic and sexual guy. Always doing things unpredictable. For awhile now my fiance has been on a sexual fast. She says that for once in our relationship she wants to do things right under God. I'm extremely for it. But I'm not sure if I'm mentally, emotionally, and sexually ready to make that sudden jump. We've been off and on in our relationship for 3 years and we've had phenomenal sex. She tells me now that we can still make love without having sex when sex to me is my essential way of expressing my love for her and letting her know I'm interested. Now yes I'm a guy and I do think about sex all day long lol but I only think about making love to her. I'm starting to believe that I may be a sex addict. I want it all the time even though she doesn't all the time. Now back to last night. I'm very horny all the time around the hours of 1am to 7am. I guess you can say I rise with the sun lol. Anyway sometimes while I'm awake and she's asleep I tend to want to caress her body and rub my penis between her legs because she often sleeps in the fetal position and she wants me to hold her. Its very hard not to think about sex especially when she's rubbing her buttocks against me. So I often tend to go for it and try to make love while she's asleep but sometimes it doesn't work. Anyhow tonight I must have succeeded but she says that I scared her and she says that she backed away from me because I made her feel like I was raping her. I haven't been able to sleep all night from this for I would never want to hurt her. Now I'm really feel bad because I don't know how much I could have possibly set her back from past relationships. Please if someone can help me I'd really appreciate it.
