In December 2010 my boyfriend realised that he had a porn addiction and that it was affecting our relationship. He immediately started his recovery. We are doing well, day by day, and this blog is part of my recovery.

Friday, 18 March 2011

accountability on the iPhone

One of the first things that my bf did when he started his recovery, was look for the best accountability software he could find and install it on his laptop. I have the password and am his accountability partner, so get weekely emails detailing his internet browsing. He has found it incredibly useful to become more aware of how he was using the internet and I have found it the most useful tool of all in regaining trust in him. One of the things that has been worrying me over the last month has been comments that he has made along the lines of "well if I was going to do anything anyway I would just look it up on my iPhone". I'm aware that he's not going to, because when he needed to unsubscribe from an old pornsite mailing list he connected through his phone, had a major freakout about how tempting it was to go back to old habits (the fact that he could have been tempted whilst driving my mum's car I find really freaky, but such is the weird life of sex addiction) and made the first conscious choice he has had to make to NOT go there. He was proud, I was proud, we were all proud :) I was also terrified by the story but would much rather he continued with complete disclosure where his addiction is concerned.

Anyway, I am worried about the iPhone though and it is a niggling thought that I would rather not have. Not so much for now, but for the future. I found this about the Covenant Eyes iPhone app though and am feeling better. Thought I'd post it here for anyone else worried about this.

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