In December 2010 my boyfriend realised that he had a porn addiction and that it was affecting our relationship. He immediately started his recovery. We are doing well, day by day, and this blog is part of my recovery.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

the ultimate goal

The metaphoric imagery in this article by Jennifer Jones is definitely powerful and confronting, but I agree with it. For me this is the ultimate goal of intimate relationships in life.

I kind of feel that the various essential areas of my life: myself, my original family, my chosen family (ie: my partner), career, friends... are all like flowerpots in a row that will flourish or wilt and die depending on how much water and care I give them. It can't be taken for granted that any of them can survive without care. It feels like the only way that is possible is through self-awareness and being pro-active about life. To me, happiness is not the euphoria of joy (the opposite extreme to pain & anguish)... it is the peace and deep feeling of contentment that provides the foundation for all other emotions to glide over the top of without eroding what is underneath.


1 comment:

  1. beautiful article! how are you now? its been a long time
